Easter Sunday

This Holy Week has been different for all of us! People are staying home from work and school, some have lost their jobs, some are fearing they might lose their jobs. Some of us have lost loved ones from the Coronavirus or by other normal circumstances. Celebrating Mass and the Stations of the Cross in front of a camera versus a packed church has been strange for me.  What’s the point of telling a joke, if no one is there to laugh at it? I must be honest, for me, the best part was it was the first time in 28 years I didn’t have to wash the 12 Apostle’s feet!

We are blessed to have a parish that is a solid community. People have taken care of their own, and then they ask me what else can they do to help. Father, if you know of anyone in need, I want to help, just ask! People have brought me food, soup, bread, cookies, and even a bottle of maple syrup — so much for losing weight during this Lent! One of our parishioners came by on Good Friday and gave me a haircut. People are mailing in their offertory envelopes, or simply dropping by with a check.  Your generosity means so much!

Our parish staff and many other volunteers have placed us into the current century by having the ability to use the internet to communicate to all of you. Emails, Texts, Snail Mail, phone calls, Flocknote, YouTube, etc. Beyond me! Thank you!

One of the things that has remained the same as in past years has been the church decorations and flowers have changed with the celebration of the day. This takes a lot of work and it is done by very dedicated volunteers.  Yes, this is done for the taping of the celebrations, but it is also done for people to come and pray during the day. Once someone walks in, they notice that it hasn’t been forgotten.

We all know that the Easter celebration is more than just a once a year happening. It is an invitation to make the truth of Easter a way of life.

May the light of the Risen Christ, guide each of us out of the darkness of this world, into the glory that only Jesus can offer.

Have a Blessed Easter!

You and your loved ones are in my Prayers!

— Fr. Mark 

Readings for Easter Sunday