Joke written by Anita K. Hansen:
Our 14-year-old son brought home an application for a job at a fast-food restaurant. When he asked me to check it over, I saw that where the form said, “In case of an emergency, please call _________________,” he had written: “911.”
The eleven apostles never had to fill out an application for their job of being apostles. They we personally called by Jesus himself!
In our first reading, we are told that the apostles were exactly where Jesus told them to be, in Jerusalem. They found themselves in a room together, along with other disciples and the extended family of Jesus. The doors were not locked, nor did they have any fear. They realized that Jesus had to return to the Father, and yet they knew that the Spirit would eventually be given to them. As any good teacher does, they teach others properly, in order for them to eventually teach even more people. Think about the work and ministry being done in Jesus’ name! The apostles witnessed Jesus in prayer many times prior to the resurrection, so that was the first thing they did together. Prayer united them as one. Once the Spirit is given to them (at Pentecost), this unity becomes even more important. Note the change in Peter, he truly takes charge, and becomes their leader.
In the Gospel, we hear the prayer of Jesus. Jesus is praying for us! By our baptism we belong to God. Because we belong to God, we have the responsibility to continue the work of Jesus. Jesus knows the work will not be easy, for the apostles, and for us. Jesus is actively praying for us even now!
In our second reading, we hear from Peter, he speaks with authority stating to us that when we work as disciples of Jesus, we will most likely take on some type of hardship, you know, criticism, rejection, etc. Peter encourages the faithful to rejoice in any hardship they must endure for their devotion to the Lord. The apostles assure those who suffer that they are blessed to serve God’s purpose. They give glory to God by their service to the kingdom.
In this time of worry and frustration, I know for a fact, people are praying! These prayers unite us. I also know for a fact, that a lot of really hard work is being accomplished all in the name of Jesus. Let us be reassured that not only are we praying to Jesus, and praying for each other, but most especially that Jesus is actively praying for us!