The peace of the Lord be with you. Through the scriptures today Jesus reminds us that we live in a troubled world, but he also reinforces that he is the one who will make the world right again.
This reminder seems quite fitting, given that today in the United States, we celebrate Memorial Day. This is typically a day that is filled with parades, remembrances, and prayer services for those who have served our country and lost their lives in the process of doing so. The intent of those individuals called to military service was and is to make sure that all people are free and accorded the dignity of a human being. While we will not be gathering this year to celebrate these Christ-like acts, let us express our gratitude to these public servants and their families for the freedoms we continue to enjoy as a result of their sacrifice.
I pray that one day our world will know the true peace of Jesus so the only role our service personnel will be called to perform are mercy and humanitarian missions. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.