Tuesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

As Jesus got into a boat, his disciples followed him.
Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea,
so that the boat was being swamped by waves;
but he was asleep.
They came and woke him, saying,

Lord, save us! We are perishing!

He said to them,

Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?

Then he got up, rebuked the winds and the sea,
and there was great calm.
The men were amazed and said,

What sort of man is this,
whom even the winds and the sea obey?

— Matthew 8:23-27

The peace of the Lord be with you. I wonder how many of us can identify with reaction of the disciples in that boat. Lately it sure feels like we are in the midst of a storm. Covid-19, political division, and racial tensions just to name a few. Yet, from all this turmoil, Jesus speaks and tells us that as long as he is in the boat with us ,no harm can or will come to us. That does not mean that we don’t have to take precautions, make good choices, and at the very least be civil to each other. What it does mean is that we do not have let fear run our lives. God is with us today and always.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Readings for Tuesday, June 30, 2020