Did you notice a word that was in the 1st reading that was also in the Gospel? The word was Meek. What does ‘Meek’ mean? Meek is from the Greek language Praotes meaning “Not easily provoked.” It is the virtue between the extremes of excessive anger and a complete lack of it; the perfect balance point where the control and direction of one’s temper displays moral character and power. Meekness is not weakness, but power fully controlled. Think about the power of fire — uncontrolled it burns down a house, but a controlled fire properly heats a house.
In the Gospel we hear of the word Yoke. Jesus knowing the trade of carpentry, would have probably measured and fitted many yokes for animals to work together. The yoke is a symbol of discipleship. If we are to be disciples, we have no choice but to be ‘Yoked’ up with Jesus. Remember what he says,
He wants us to give him everything that is weighing us down. He wants to take on what we can’t do ourselves. Why? Because he knows that if we are supposed to take care of our brothers and sisters, then our loads need to be lightened first. This is why both prayer and relationship go hand-in-hand.
A joke, written by Sheldon Levitas:
Believe it or not, I just received a check from Medicare for all of one cent. Why, I don’t know, but concerned that some arcane regulation — complete with penalty — would apply for not cashing a government check, I took it to the bank. The teller looked at the amount, checked the endorsement and then asked, “How would you like this, heads or tails?”
Things in our world today really don’t have to make much sense, for them not to be real. Yes, as disciples we are called to be Meek, and we are expected to give over to Jesus, what we simply can’t handle on our own, but most especially we have to be willing to be Yoked up with Jesus, knowing that he will steer us onto a straight path, and also give us the added strength to continue to work in the Kingdom of God!