Our reading from Acts today recall how the Gentiles were called into the family of God. It had always been God’s intention for all people to be united under His love. The chosen people were to be a people so prosperous, so wise, and so good that they were to attract the rest of creation back to God, but as we know it did not work quite that way.
Today, Jesus reminds us that He, the good shepherd, is the one who leads us back to the protection of the fold and family of God. May we, through His grace, through our lives, through our love of each other, be that source of attraction to those who have not yet walked intimately with God. God wants to make sure that no one is left behind.
Good and gentle shepherd help us to use the time, talent, and treasure that you have given to us to lead people back to your most loving son, the good shepherd who laid down his life for the life of the world. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen