Tag: Father Mark

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

I have a feeling this joke was written prior to the invention of email.

Written by Susan Reilly:

Now that my mother’s office has a fax machine, I fax my correspondence to her instead of using the post office. Although I’ve told her many times that it’s a faster and less expensive way to communicate, she continued to mail me weekly letters.

On my last birthday, however, she showed me that she now has a full grasp of technology. She faxed me a $100 bill with the note:

Happy Birthday. You’re right — it is cheaper to fax than mail,
Love, Mom.

Today’s readings challenge us to look beyond ourselves, and to embrace God’s mercy, and then be light for others. There’s an incompleteness when we try to handle or control things on our own.

In the Book of Job — Job isn’t happy, he finds his life burdensome. Job doesn’t understand why his situation in his life is so difficult. His very close friends try to persuade him to repent of his past sins, and then hopefully God will take mercy on him. However, Job knows that he has done nothing wrong, so why should he repent? 

In our 2nd reading, Saint Paul has this burning compulsion to simply PREACH!! He is driven to save as many souls as possible.

In the Gospel of Mark, we hear Jesus proclaim the Kingdom of God being at hand. In this passage we hear Jesus cures Peter’s mother-in-law, he also heals others, and then he travels onward to the next village.

Jesus heals! Jesus is present to us! Jesus moves ahead of us. Jesus journeys to the next situation.

One little note, once Peter’s mother-in-law is healed, she immediately does something… What? That’s right, she proceeds to wait on them! Jesus’ healing brings about a whole new way of life. The Greek word for this is:  Diakonos what the English would translate into Diaconate — a life of service.

All of us at times:

  • Have doubted like Job!
  • Have persecuted like Saul!
  • Have denied Jesus like Peter!

The Holy Spirit changes all of this for us, as He calls us to love as Jesus did, and to proclaim the Gospel with our lives. And as Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us, sometimes when we proclaim the Gospel, if we have to, use words.

Even though at times we feel loneliness and desperation, the Lord is with us — not only in our hearts, but also miraculously in the presence of the Eucharist at this very altar. Let us open our hearts and proclaim him to the world!

Readings for Sunday, February 7, 2021

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Denise Stewart wrote this joke:

Two American tourists are driving through Wales. They decide to stop for a bite to eat in the village of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwillantysiliogogogo-goch.  

Baffled by the name, one of them turns to a local and asks,

Would you please say where we are — very slowly?

The Welshman leans over and says, very slowly,


If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts!

Each and every day we hear so much, on the tv, or on the radio, or the sounds of street traffic, etc. Each day we are bombarded with noise! To hear God’s voice, we need to know how to turn down the volume!

I remember being in major seminary at Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ (very close to Newark NJ). I was homesick. I wasn’t used to the city life. I remembered taking comfort at looking up at the stars at night, so I found myself laying on the ground looking up one night, and you know what I saw? No stars! Planes! And a milky sky! The sky was simply too busy!

Our lives can be that noisy and busy as well, but not all noise is bad — such as a baby’s laugh, or a phone call from a loved one, or a favorite song comes over the radio — these can all be touches of blessing and joy.  

So where do we find ourselves finding the quiet time to slow down and be able to listen? You may think about being next to a riverbed or near the crashing waves of the ocean as you walk on the beach, or even high up on a mountain trail. For me, often at times, it’s sitting in my favorite Lazy Boy rocking chair, with the tv OFF, and me just looking at the ceiling thinking about how my day was, and what tomorrow might end up being.

In Mark’s Gospel, it stated that He taught with authority. Every time we hear the scriptures, Jesus speaks to us with that same authority! The Gospels reveal to us who Jesus is: Savior, Lord, teacher, healer, miracle worker, and even our friend. They also reveal his mission to us: love one another, feed the hungry, care for the widow and the orphan, pray for the sick, wash each other’s feet, and do this in remembrance of me.

How well are we listening? Each time that we leave Mass, or watch it on YouTube, or the internet, what do we do with what we have just heard? Do we talk about it with our family or friends? Do we let it impact our actions, our words, and our choices in the coming week?

If today you hear his voice,
harden not your hearts.

People need to hear the voice of the Lord more than ever, for today there are many other voices speaking to us.

God’s voice speaks the Truth. He speaks with Love! And, with Acceptance.  God’s voice encourages us, and forgives us, and brings us together as one.

As Christians we are called to be that voice in our community, our school, our place of work, on our team, wherever His voice is needed.

This week, ask yourself: Where can you be the voice of Jesus? and What words will you say?

May the Eucharist strengthen us always to be his voice of inclusion, forgiveness, and love!

Readings for Sunday, January 31, 2021

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

A little joke from Anonymous:

A man went fishing up on the Connecticut Lakes, which is well known for its fishing.  As he was returning to his vehicle with two full pails of fish, he meets the game warden who asks him,

Do you have a license to catch those fish?

The man responds to the game warden,

No sir.  These are my pet fish.

the warden replied.

Pet fish?!

Yes sir. Every night I take these here fish down to the lake and let them swim around for a while. I whistle and they jump back into their buckets, and I take em home. 

The warden replied in disbelief,

That’s a bunch of baloney! Fish can’t do that! 

The man looked at the game warden for a moment and then said,

Here, I’ll show you. It really works.”

Okay, I’ve got to see this!

The game warden was curious.  The man poured the fish into the river and stood and waited…

After several minutes, the game warden turned to the man and said,


The man responded,

Well, what?

When are you going to call them back? 

the game warden prompted. 

Call who back?

Said the man.


said the game warden.

What fish?

the man asked.

When we hear in the Gospel of Mark, the call of Peter, Andrew, James, and John from Jesus to be his disciples we are marveled at their response. Their response was immediate and without condition. They were all fishermen, good at their trade, to the point of having a family business. When Jesus called them to follow, they didn’t delay, they didn’t place conditions on Jesus, they didn’t bargain out a contract with benefits and a pay raise scale.  Jesus states:

I will make you fishers of souls!

They left all they knew behind and simply followed Jesus!

In the Book of Jonah, we hear that God asks Jonah to go to the people of Nineveh and ask them to repent of their evil doing. Jonah already despises the people of Nineveh and wants them to perish. Jonah goes forward, knowing in his heart that the people of Nineveh will not only reject him, but also God’s request. However, just the opposite is true! After only doing a third of his journey through the city, the people of Nineveh and their king repent! God is pleased, and Jonah has been changed forever.

Our two readings have something in common: 

The power of God’s Word! God calls people into action, in a different direction from where they found themselves. God speaks, people respond!

Jesus’ presence in front of the four fishermen, had to have a magnetic effect on them. In a moment’s notice, nothing else seemed to make sense to them, they simply felt compelled to follow.

Can you imagine if God came to you one day and asked you to go to Las Vegas, and walk down the Vegas Strip announcing the end of the world?  Repent! Repent! For the world is ending!!

Don’t worry, I’ll promise to come visit you!

Psalm 25 states:

The future looks bright for those who turn their lives around and follow him.  He will teach God’s ways, and make God’s paths known; the ways of truth, the paths of compassion and love.

Jesus knew that his mission wasn’t to be accomplished by himself. He wasn’t that type of king. As he called is first disciples to become apostles, so he calls each of us by our Baptism. Each of us is called to a change of heart by our Baptism.  e need to renew that call today, and then renew it every day to come.

Pope Benedict XVI added an option for the Dismissal Rite of the Mass, that states:

Go, and proclaim the Gospel with your lives.

There is an impossible Nineveh out there for us to transform. With God’s grace, we can do the impossible. We can change our Nineveh into the kingdom of God.

Readings for Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Baptism of the Lord

The third person of the Holy Trinity is a REAL PERSON! He does exist! Do you believe this?

As clear as He was to see in the flames of the Burning Bush by Moses, so He was clearly seen as a waterfall coming down from Heaven and resting upon Jesus when everyone heard the voice of the Father state:

This is my beloved Son, with You I am well Pleased!

In our second reading from Acts, it is clear that the Holy Spirit is directly linked to the life and mission of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is always with Jesus, and never leaves his side.

We as fellow Christians experience the reality of the Holy Spirit in four distinct ways: God’s Love, New Life, Justice, and Holiness.

God’s Love

When you truly love another, don’t you feel the bond between you as being more than human interaction and/or contact? The relationships that we value, honor, treasure, etc. — don’t we give ourselves over to feeling God’s unconditional and all-powerful love in our hearts?

New Life 

In the Nicene Creed that we pray each weekend, it states:

We profess the Holy Spirit to be the Lord, the giver of life.

When we welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives, we experience a profound newness of life — a vitality, an improved relationship with God, a new sense of direction, and simply being at peace.


When we are open to the Holy Spirit in our lives, we feel compelled to work for the sake of others. We gain courage to do what is right on the behalf of others.


The Holy Spirit gives us the gifts we need to respond to the gifts that we received at our baptism. The more that we know God, the more we seem to need Him in our lives.

You are probably wondering how to get close to the Holy Spirit? The answer is pretty simple, just ask Him!

Come, Holy Spirit, Come! 

Pour out the love of God into my broken heart; I need it. 

Pour out mercy, tenderness, and forgiveness, and help me hear the words:

You are my beloved child.

Eric Wight writes the following joke, (and I won’t be surprised if no one gets it): 

One winter morning, an employee explained why he had shown up for work 45 minutes late. 

It was so slippery out that for every step I took ahead, I slipped back two.

The boss eyed him suspiciously.

Oh yeah? Then how did you ever get here?

He said,

I finally gave up, and started for home.

Sometimes our lives can feel the same way, no matter how good our intentions are, we seem to struggle to move forward. No matter what our situations may be, I encourage you to simply ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and the grace to move forward. God calls us to be renewed in his very own life. Let us together approach the Altar of the Lord.

Readings for Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Epiphany of the Lord

Richard Schuler writes this:

Sign seen outside the Lighthouse Baptist Church in St. Louis:

If you’re looking for a sign from God, this is it.

When we are poised with a difficult decision in our life, don’t we all say to God: “just give me a sign!” I know I do. Back in 1984, after my first month in college seminary in Ogdensburg NY, I was really struggling with fitting into Catholic schooling for the first time in my life, and I remember sitting in the chapel, asking God just to give me a sign. Later that afternoon, I was in a car accident that should have killed me, but I walked away without even a scratch, even without wearing a safety belt. I was perfectly healthy, and yet without a vehicle to drive back to New Hampshire, even if I wanted to. I remember being in chapel later that day, and saying to God, “That was not the sign I was looking for!”

And God does enlighten us along our journeys, doesn’t he? Many times, in some very unexpected ways or through the words of a complete stranger.

In today’s Gospel from Matthew, we hear the story of the Epiphany, in which wiseman come a very long way, bringing with them some very odd gifts. Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. We all know by now that these gifts represent kingship, divinity, and redemptive suffering.

These wisemen traveled following a sign from God, a star. Which means they traveled by night. Once that star stopped, the wisemen knew exactly where to go. Once they witnessed the baby Jesus, their lives were forever changed.

If we are ever lucky enough to witness a ‘sign’ from God, and we’re willing to take the leap of faith and follow, even in our darkness, to where God wants us to stop and witness something awesome, may our lives be ever changed for the better!


Readings for Sunday, January 3, 2021

Solemnity of Mary

David Coverly from Creators Syndicate writes the following:


Whew! I just created a 24-hour period of alternating light and darkness on Earth.


What are you going to do now?


Call it a day.

In our Old Testament reading from Numbers, the people Israel finally set out for the promised land. They had been at the base of Mt. Sinai for approximately a year. During that one-year period, the people were being formed into a society, a nation, as children of God. Structure was being introduced by forming the military, the priestly class, the educators, etc. — all would serve a purpose, and all would benefit from God’s protection and his generosity. In this reading God prepares a special blessing upon the tribes of Israel.

In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, Paul reminds us that Jesus was born into our humanity, in order for all of humanity not to be enslaved by their sins. Basically, He (Jesus), is giving us a way out of enslavement by the forgiveness of our sins, in order for us to live fully by our new inherited freedom. Free as adopted children of God.

In the Gospel of Luke, we hear of God’s message being delivered by an angel to shepherds (simple folk), not to whom you might expect. The shepherds go directly to Bethlehem and reveal the message to Mary and Joseph, that their new-born child is the Messiah and Lord. The shepherds have played an important role in making the message known.

Older Catholics would remember this holy day as the circumcision of the Lord. The circumcision of Jesus is important because it symbolizes his official incorporation into Israel. Jesus is now considered an “insider,” one who has come to save his people. His given name is important. It means, “God saves,” describing not only who he is, but also what he does. It was in 1969, that the holy day’s name was changed to the Solemnity of Mary, meaning Mary’s divine maternity.

On Thursday at 8:00 a.m. I was watching the fireworks on tv from Australia as 2021 officially entered in. I wonder, what will 2021 be like? Hopefully different than 2020!

Will Rogers once said: “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.”

We call a birth after a pregnancy, a “delivery.” When Mary delivered Jesus, we see “delivery” as a “transfer,” or a “handing over.” She delivers to us the “deliverer!”  

Whatever 2021 ends up bringing us, may we place our trust in the one who truly delivers us. Believe that we are God’s adopted children. And live under God’s protection and generosity.


Readings for Friday, January 1, 2021

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

Here is an oldie written by Deacon Tom Sheridan: 

A boy asks his father to use the car and the father responds

No, not until you get a haircut! 

The boy replies,

But father…… Jesus had long hair! 

The father said,

Yeah, but Jesus walked everywhere.

This weekend, we celebrate and honor The Holy Family. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. Sure, we all know the Christmas story by now, but think about the Family as being a Holy structure designed by God — not only to form and hold together a society — but also to create and re-create the reflection of God and our relationship with Him.

From the beginning, God willed that children should hold their parents in high regard and that parents should recognize their children as gifts from God. The Holy Family is our model.

Here’s a little insight: 

If you were to build a house in the 1950’s, that house would have had a front porch. If you were to build a house in the 1960’s, the porch was placed on the side of the house. If you had built a house in the 1970’s, the porch would’ve been built on the back side of the house. In the 1980’s houses were built without a porch, but rather had a “Family Room”.  In the 1990’s houses were built with the family room being in the basement. In 2000, many people moved out of the center of town and into the suburbs. In the 2010’s houses were being built in the woods, and all you can see is the mailbox at an end of a long driveway.

In our world, society can change even when we are not aware of it. We have probably asked ourselves “How did we get to this point?” Over the last 9 months, our world has changed dramatically. How we view and value our families, our communities, and ourselves. Hopefully, no matter what, how we relate to one another has taken on new meaning, for the good.

I received a lot of Christmas cards and gifts this year. The greatest gift was simply talking with my parents on the phone following Christmas morning Mass. I am so lucky to have the parents that God has given me!

As we honor the Holy Family today, let us consider our own families and the gift we are to each other, despite all our differences and disagreements.  May our hearts be filled with gratitude as we prepare to unite as one in the Body of Christ.


Readings for Sunday, December 27, 2020

Fourth Sunday of Advent

In today’s Old Testament reading from 2nd Samuel, we hear about King David. Remember, when King David was just a young scrawny boy who used to shepherd sheep? Well, now he is a King! And, in this scripture passage, we hear that the king is doing AWESOME! The kingdom is thriving, the kingdom is at peace — the kingdom is AWESOME as well! King David is relaxing in the HUGE house that he had built for himself. You can picture this, King David goes to the edge of the open window, stretches as he overlooks his kingdom, and then looks down, and what does he notice?  That God is in the Ark, and in a tent! King in a castle, God in a tent???? So, King David decides he is going to build a house for God (not a Temple, but a House). Even Nathan (God’s prophet) approves (probably, he didn’t want to disagree with a king?). So, God tells Nathan that he disapproves. God wants to make sure that King David keeps his humility in check. God wants to make sure King David knows, that He takes great pleasure in residing in the House of David, and therefore in the lineage of David, not a building, but rather a people. King David doesn’t immediately understand this, but eventually he does.  

A little joke by Anonymous: 

A man in Phoenix calls his son in NY a couple of days before Christmas and says, “I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough.” “Pop, what are you talking about?” the son screams. “We can’t stand the sight of each other any longer,” the father says, “We’re sick of each other, and I’m sick of talking about this, so call your sister in Chicago and tell her.” Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. “Like heck they’re getting divorced,” she shouts, “I’ll take care of this.” She calls Phoenix immediately, and screams at her father, “You are NOT getting divorced. Don’t do a single thing until I get there. I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don’t do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?” And hangs up.  The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. “Okay”, he says “they are coming for Christmas and paying their own way.”

The 4 candles of Advent bring forth the Light of Christ into the darkness of our world. We lit the 1st candle for us to be Watchful, our 2nd candle was lit and we became Hopeful, our 3rd candle was lit and we welled up with Joy, and now that all 4 candles are lit, we are called to be filled with Love for each other.

To truly love God, and each other, we all need to be humbled from time to time. Like King David, like the children in the joke, like me and you. To be humbled keeps us focused on what we are preparing to really celebrate.  God taking the initiative to share in our nature Humanity, in order for us to share in his nature Divinity forever!

Let us all be filled with the Light of Christ and truly be watchful, hopeful, joyful, and loving.


Readings for Sunday, December 20, 2020

Second Sunday of Advent

An anonymous little Johnnie joke:

One night his mother told little Johnnie to go out to the back porch and bring in the broom. He said, “Mama, I’m afraid to go out there. It’s dark.”  His mother smiled reassuringly. “You don’t have to be afraid of the dark, Johnnie,” she said. “Jesus is always there. He’ll protect you”.

Little Johnnie looked at his mother and asked, “Are you sure Jesus is out there?”

“Yes, I’m sure,” she said. “He’s everywhere, and he’s always ready to help you when you need him.”

Little Johnnie thought about it for a minute, went back to the door, and cracked it open just a little. Peering out into the darkness, he called, “Jesus?  Would you please hand me the broom?”

Last weekend, the key word that we heard from scripture was watch.

Do you realize that most of us pray when it is dark outside? There’s a greater sense that not only that is something greater than us out there, but we are more in tuned with who we are when we are alone.

Our scripture reading for this weekend of Advent presents us with a pretty simple focus as well… it screams for us to be hopeful!!!!!

In our stillness, our darkness, in our prayers we know that our God hears us — that Jesus is present. Always. He is with us. He will hand us that broom and whatever we truly need!

Our first reading from Isaiah gives us reassurance that the message from God is that of comfort — that He will make the mountains lower and the valleys level; He will do whatever it takes for His people to return to Him.

We must agree that if we are with Him, then that means we are in the promised land. We must not loose focus on who He is! He’s not the promised land; He is God. We must not only be thankful, but we must also worship Him. 

So many people get confused on this one point: we are blessed by God, but we don’t take the place of God! We need Him — always, now, forever! Those who have no dependency on God, fall down the slippery slope of self-destruction.

So, what are we hoping for?

Hope is more than optimism. Hope endures even in impossible situations.

Can you see Jesus everywhere?

Can you see him in the consecrated bread and wine?  

You are about to receive Him in the Eucharist, whether here in our church, or in your hearts at home… receive Him

Be a hope-filled people! Yes, He is here with us now, and yes, He will be with us until the end of time.


Readings for Sunday, December 6, 2020

First Sunday of Advent

A little humor from the Los Angeles Times: 

Bob Bayer of Westchester, California, observed that his three-year-old daughter, McCayleigh, was repeatedly watching a Barney Christmas special videotape that she had received as a present for Christmas. Finally, he told her,

Honey, you shouldn’t watch that tape anymore. Christmas is over.

She replied. 

No Daddy, Christmas isn’t over. Christmas is coming.

Kind of feels that way, doesn’t it? As we get older, time just seems to fly! It feels like we just celebrated Christmas a few months ago. Of course, it doesn’t help that we have been hearing Christmas music on the radio since Halloween!

So, here we find ourselves beginning the season of Advent once again, our church decorations have changed from the fall like scenario into a stark contrast of evergreens and purple cloths and vestments. Advent is meant to be a time of penance and preparation. (That is what the purple color reminds us of!) However, we all know when our churches are purple, then the next color is ________.  Yes, white which stands for Celebration & New Life (just like with Lent and Easter).

Advent and Adventure come from the same root word meaning: to take a journey, or look to the horizon. So look not only where we are, but where we are traveling on this spiritual experience.

Our readings this weekend are sort-of a bridge between the old and the new — not centering on the end, but on our new beginnings. Each week, we will see our churches look a little more like Christmas simply because we have already experienced the celebration of Christmas within our lives, we know the story! However, this year we will get to our destination, but the journey will take us on a new path, simply due to the world we are now living in. I encourage you, see this season of Advent, as not only a journey with a climax, but also as a gift from our loving God that will produce many great memories. So, what do you say? Are you willing to take this adventure with me? Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Readings for Sunday, November 29, 2020