Thursday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

Now will I recall God’s works;
    what I have seen, I will describe.
At God’s word were his works brought into being;
    they do his will as he has ordained for them.
As the rising sun is clear to all,
    so the glory of the LORD fills all his works;
Yet even God’s holy ones must fail
    in recounting the wonders of the LORD,
Though God has given these, his hosts, the strength
    to stand firm before his glory.
He plumbs the depths and penetrates the heart;
    their innermost being he understands.
The Most High possesses all knowledge,
    and sees from of old the things that are to come:
He makes known the past and the future,
    and reveals the deepest secrets.
No understanding does he lack;
    no single thing escapes him.
Perennial is his almighty wisdom;
    he is from all eternity one and the same,
With nothing added, nothing taken away;
    no need of a counselor for him!
How beautiful are all his works!
    even to the spark and fleeting vision!
The universe lives and abides forever;
    to meet each need, each creature is preserved.
All of them differ, one from another,
    yet none of them has he made in vain,
For each in turn, as it comes, is good;
    can one ever see enough of their splendor?

Most glorious and blessed Father we thank you for these inspired words that remind us of the wonders of your love for all you have created. We thank you for your tender and loving care that accompanies us without ceasing. We thank you for the knowledge that helps us to appreciate the wonder which surrounds and invites us to be co-creators with you. With all you have given, help us to approach this new day with humility, generosity, and a desire to be ambassadors of your goodness to all we shall meet today.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Readings for Thursday, May 27, 2021